Cloning one style fits all, impersonal clipart, generic superlatives: features all indicative of sites which fail to capture the essence of an organization or business seeking to communicate a personal message setting it apart from its peers or competition.

Our clients are our design partners. Their sites reflect uniquely who they are.

The challenge and reward of working with non-profits and small businesses in particular is that there is no guarantee of a long-term business relationship. But we also get to know our clients far better than when developing in a large corporate environment where we need to please a committee. There is no deeper satisfaction than when a proprietor or chairperson smiles and says "Perfect!"

Before & “device-agnostic” after

Neverending Neon, Toms River, NJ
Commercial and artistic residential neon signage

We refreshed their existing web site: upgraded content with improved graphics and Wikipedia links, added high resolution product and artwork images, and restructured it to work equally well on desktop and mobile devices without requiring any device specific content.

To insulate web sites from "necessary upgrades," we develop ours using our own PHP-based content manager whose first version pre-dates WordPress™ by a full year. (In the time since, we have only had to change six lines of code to address changes to PHP functions.) That includes facilitating content re-use, preserving content while centralizing styles for site-wide uniform look and feel. In this particular case, "before" to "after" took only two days for proof-of-concept. If your site is "non-mobile-friendly," you do not need to start from scratch!

Desktop pages shown at the same screen size and resolution.
The same source appears on desktop/laptop and mobile.

Also, a lesson to never let your domain name expire... the original domain name, expired, was not renewed in time, then was registered by someone looking for a quick profit, offering to sell it back for $899. After the business owner registered, the extortionist allowed to expire, upon which it was vacuumed up by someone in China, redirecting to the Baobo Sports EU Soccer Cup live broadcast and official designated sports betting platform site. It then changed hands yet again and is now "parked" in Iceland, pointing to dubious destinations at "Custom Neon Signs", "Neon Signs," and "Custom Outdoor Signs." The last we checked, the domain name was on sale for $4,999, reduced from $9,999.

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